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What is a Peer to Peer (P2P) Transaction?
What is a Peer to Peer (P2P) Transaction?

P2P, p2p, Peer to Peer, peer to peer, use p2p, use peer to peer.

Updated over a week ago

What Are Peer to Peer (P2P) Transactions?

Peer to Peer (P2P) transactions are a new feature that NALA is introducing to the application. The P2P feature will allow you to send a transaction to another NALA user, directly from your wallet to theirs within moments for free.

Some of the benefits of using P2P transactions are the speed of payment, affordability, and the peace of mind that your information is protected.

How Do I Get Access to P2P?

There are a few steps that you need to follow in order to access the P2P functionality on the NALA App. First, you need to 'Opt in' in order for the feature to be enabled for your account. Here's how:

  • Log into the App.

  • Click on the 'Send' option on the homepage.

  • Select 'Send to a NALA User'.

  • You will be asked to review the Terms and Condition. Accept the T&Cs to continue.

  • You will need to claim a 'Username'. The Username is a unique identifier that will be used by your friends and family when they want to send you money on the NALA app.

You're all set up now. To learn How to Send funds using P2P, please consult the article here.

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